New Year Resolutions!

The year has come to an end and its time to learn from it and plan for a better year ahead!
But what the hell I decided to get resolved a few days early!
Happy New Year!
Giving up smoking, spend more time with your friends, reach office on time, go running, get a dog, stop drinking, ..... whatever your list says add one from me: 'spend more time with your camera'. All the best!

One Great Old Chap!

He'll be 91 on the first of Feb, he's seen a lot, 'petrol was 13 rupees a gallon as a kid or may be cheaper'
today its 55 rupees a ltr. a world war, independence, kids, grand kids and great grand kids .... a source of inspiration for so many .... but to me he's a loving father first and then anything else.

Depth of Field

A toy train track thru the MP-65mm F2.8 Macro
When I started with photography now over a decade ago it was with a Zentith 122 as some one you, who have been following the blog might know. Ofcourse I had no clue about this ‘thing’ called the depth of field, all I did know was that times not everything in my photographs were sharp and I was not too happy about it. (The 50mm F2 on the zenith was excellent)

The thought at the time was what’s the point in taking a photograph if you cant see everything ‘clearly’!

It was not long before I moved on to a new camera leaving behind my Zenith and with it the fascination of getting everything clear.

Over time the desire to have everything sharp died and gave rise to a new desire to have more and more of the photograph ‘blurred’. Working with the MP was a novel experience, without any Photoshop at all this photograph clearly shows the focal line in the photograph with as shallow a depth of field as I have experienced.

When I think of the importance of the depth of field in photography I end up at a concert where an orchestra is playing and then while the rest of the musicians fade out to create the background score the Cello does a solo recital.

Its as if you can cut out all the chaos in a fish market to hear a conversation between two people.

Mango- The Star

Having fun on a shoot !!!

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